Clearing Vision

It’s time to take off the rose-colored glasses and see things as they are!  We often refuse to clearly see and sometimes squint when the blinding lights of truth roll upon us.

Perhaps, like a stingray, the truth hurts too much.  It is easier to flap down our blinders as commercial horses do and pretend that the painful affronts are simply not happening in real-time.

Our childhood brains hide and say, “How could this be?”  Could anyone be this mean and dark-spirited?”  Then, our second childhood self cries out the unanswerable question, “Why?”

After going through all of that, we safely remove stinger after stinger as reality slowly seeps into our cloudy glasses of water.  We quietly admit that there were several red flags posted along the way though we did not want to see those traits flaring up along the journey.

After languishing a while and admitting the inevitable, we wipe our tears, stop shaking our heads and say, “Okay.”  As Ray Charles said, “It is what it is.”  Or, it may have been James Brown; but both men profoundly called life as each saw it.

We start pouring cleansing waters into our glasses darkly and begin walking towards the newness of life.  We add a check mark by that subject matter and whisper “I get it.”

We calmly gather our things, move on and do not bother to look nor glance back.  We sing a little happy tune under our breath filtered with the lyrics, “Your loss.  My gain!”

When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” Maya Angelou

Lynn M.

January 9, 2021

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